Утилита make для windows

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Make: GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs



Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program’s source files. Make gets its knowledge of how to build your program from a file called the makefile, which lists each of the non-source files and how to compute it from other files. When you write a program, you should write a makefile for it, so that it is possible to use Make to build and install the program.

Capabilities of Make

  • Make enables the end user to build and install your package without knowing the details of how that is done — because these details are recorded in the makefile that you supply.
  • Make figures out automatically which files it needs to update, based on which source files have changed. It also automatically determines the proper order for updating files, in case one non-source file depends on another non-source file. As a result, if you change a few source files and then run Make, it does not need to recompile all of your program. It updates only those non-source files that depend directly or indirectly on the source files that you changed.
  • Make is not limited to any particular language. For each non-source file in the program, the makefile specifies the shell commands to compute it. These shell commands can run a compiler to produce an object file, the linker to produce an executable, ar to update a library, or TeX or Makeinfo to format documentation.
  • Make is not limited to building a package. You can also use Make to control installing or deinstalling a package, generate tags tables for it, or anything else you want to do often enough to make it worth while writing down how to do it.



If you download the Setup program of the package, any requirements for running applications, such as dynamic link libraries (DLL’s) from the dependencies as listed below under Requirements, are already included. If you download the package as Zip files, then you must download and install the dependencies zip file yourself. Developer files (header files and libraries) from other packages are however not included; so if you wish to develop your own applications, you must separately install the required packages.

Description Download Size Last change Md5sum
• Complete package, except sources Setup 3384653 25 November 2006 8ae51379d1f3eef8360df4e674f17d6d
• Sources Setup 1252948 25 November 2006 b896c02e3d581040ba1ad65024bbf2cd
• Binaries Zip 495645 25 November 2006 3521948bc27a31d1ade0dcb23be16d49
• Dependencies Zip 708206 25 November 2006 d370415aa924fa023411c4099ef84563
• Documentation Zip 2470575 25 November 2006 43a07e449d4bab3eb3f31821640ecab7
• Sources Zip 2094753 25 November 2006 8bed4cf17c5206f8094f9c96779be663

You can also download the files from the GnuWin32 files page.

You can monitor new releases of the port of this package.

Не так давно я пересел на AtmelStudio6 с AVRStudio4. Есть у меня классный программатор клон STK500. Который просто прекрасно работает с 4й версией. Вот и получается, что пишу я теперь проги под 6й версией, а программатором пользуюсь из под 4ой. Неудобно как то. Попробовал подключить программатор к 6й. Работает через пень колоду. То работает, то не работает. Решил я сделать новый, чтоб работал по 6й версией и не пукал. Решил что это будет AVRISP mkII.

Нарыл я проект LUFA. ТУТ
Скачал код, а там торчит makefile. Самой прошивки там нет, чтоб сразу залить в микроконтроллер. Значит надо запустить сборку makefile чтоб родился hex файл. А как это сделать? Без понятия. А надо. Начал рыть. Помог один товарищ линуксоид. Вместе с ним поколупались и нарыли вот что.

1). Установить прогу mingw-get-inst-20120426.exe. В одном из окон при установке галочку поставить напротив msys. Эта прога есть здесь.

2). Установить прогу bc-1.06-2.exe. Отсюда.

3). Указать путь для переменной PATH в XP 32bit,

Переменная PATH находится здесь.
Компьютер/свойства/дополнительно/переменные среды.

C:Program FilesGnuWin32in;
C:Program FilesAtmelAtmel ToolchainAVR8 GCCNative3.4.2.939avr8-gnu-toolchainin

Для WINDIWS_7 64bit
C:Program Files (x86)GnuWin32in;
C:Program Files (x86)AtmelAtmel ToolchainAVR8 GCCNative3.4.2.939avr8-gnu-toolchainin

4).Открыть консоль, зайти в нужную папку где находится файл make. Набрать команду make. Вот и все. Там же и появится желанный hex файл. Команда Make clean очищает от прежней сборки файлов.
Вот можно видео глянуть как это происходит.
Продолжение здесь.

Make is a useful tool in programming. That controls the generation of executables and other generated files of a program from the program’s source files.

This web page provides binary of GNU make for Windows for download. Equation Solution build the binary from GNU make. It is a free software under General Public License. The release of GNU compilers distributed at this site also includes GNU make. It is unnecessary to download the utility for GNU compilers. For users who need the make utility, download make.exe from the following links, and save it in the subdirectory in.


As mentioned previously, the binary of make is included in the GNU compilers distributed at this site. If you already downloaded GNU compilers, it is unnecessary to download the make utility. The following has links to download 32-bit and 64-bit binaries. 64-bit binary only works on 64-bit Windows.

  • Click here to download 32-bit binary of version 4.2
  • Click here to download 64-bit binary of version 4.2
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